Buddy Mary's Articles — Cbd product RSS

Meet The Head of the Littee Commitr33: Aunt Tr33

This weekend's CannaBabe Feature is none other than everyone's favourite stoner aunty, Aunt Tr33! This Queen has been an incredible support to Buddy Mary since she first stepped onto the scene in October and also been an inspiration to myself & others. Through their Instagram page & YouTube channel, Aunt Tr33 brings us entertaining cannabis content & reviews of the funkiest brands coming through in the UK cannabis space. Aunt Tr33 lifts the mask to give us a little insight into their Cannabis Journey and how AuntTr33 came to be... - When/How were you introduced to Cannabis? What did you know of it before? I have always been intrigued by The Herbs growing up I had friends that smoked but I...


V & You... And Me...CBD Mouth Pouch Product Review

So by now you know I suffer with Suicide Diease (check out my blog on my Invisible Illness to learn more). It seems recently I've been backsliding out of remission. I'm quite scared tbh. It's nicknamed suicide diease!! Kinda tells you what it's like. What's annoying is you can look completely normal while feeling like your face is crumbling from an acid attack. You're crumbling and feel you must look like death, you check the mirror and look good.. Wtf?! Bit of a head fuck. Before lockdown, regular massage, cannabis and hot hot baths with cbd bath bombs were helping me keep the TN in check. Lock down ended the massage & moving ended my bathtime. Ive been okish for...
