Don't fear the Reefer...She's bringing Edibles...:Grim Reefer & Her Edibles

Its finally here!!! Grim Reefer's Canna-story. How she was introduced to cannabis, her story and the origins of her original & quirky medicated treats.

As a close friend of this badass I'm so honoured to show case this absolute powerhouse of a Queen's story. She is one of the most genuine, kind, loving funny, talented, original, compassionate and passionate people I have had the pleasure of knowing. I am so grateful this community has linked me to people link her.

When and what was your first experience with cannabis?

Oh my goddess, umm...i can't remember it like it was yesterday. My sister gave my friend Frances her first oak on a spliff and within 5 mins her face dropped white, she had literally her arms and her legs wrapped around the toilet and she was convinced we were all there to kill here. She was adamant my sister had spiked the spliff

Then she cried for 2hrs and i thought to myself ‘I'm never ever ever ever guna consume that shit ever in my entire life’ I was 13….6months later..

I met my mate Danny and I had my first toak on a spliff and I melted. I completely melted, that's it, I fell asleep on his bed. Going forward form then, I was known as the girl that would literally just pass out. The boys would play human buckaroo with me…


Oh no, they would get remote controls, pillows and other objects on me, the last person to place an object that was moved or woke me lost. So not as nasty as it initially sounded. Phew.

So have you been a cannabis user since then? 

I was a cannabis user on and off from then until the age of 22 when I met my first serious boyfriend. He used cannabis daily. I started just having one or two toaks a night, to half a spliff a night to the point when he said, yeah you need to start buying your own.

Why would you say you use cannabis?

To begin with, it was just recreational, to get out my own head for the first 2 years. I first realised I was using it for well being and medicinal reasons when I took my first tolerance break. I had been smoking the wrong strain for me, constantly for 2 years (Ammo). I completely messed with my mindset, my mood, I knew I had to take a break. After the first week of my break, my body started to reveal all the aches and pains the cannabis had been helping. That's when I knew I needed some form of cannabinoids in my system. I took a trip to Tenerife about 3yrs ago and met some people who introduced me to different types of strain. They showed me this website called Leafly.com where I could look up the strains I was purchasing so I could research what I was putting in my body and make a more informed decision.

How regularly do you use cannabis and what are you preferred modes of administration? 

When do I not use it should be the question! When I am awake is how regularly I use cannabis haha. Walk us through a typical day's consumption.

Wake up, wake and bake a joint. Then I usually have 50/50 CBD/THC joints alongside my coffee into which I drop in about 25mg of CBD tincture. I may have a dab too. I dab both CBD and THC, I really like a mix of the two. Then throughout the rest of the day I will always have a spliff on the go nearby. As soon as I get in from work, I have another 50/50 joint. The rest of the night is dabs and blunts. When I have a bath, I use CBD bath salts and CBD bath bombs. Once a month I use CBD tampons to help with the pain, coupled with a THC balm on my stomach.

So who are you favourite CBD brands?

At the moment I have to say Blue Ridge Hemp 350mg tincture, Qeneh for CBD flower and hash and Black Sheep Dispensaries for my wax and crumbles to dab with. 

(You can get 15% off Black Sheep with ‘Buddy-Mary’ on their website and 10% of Qeneh CBD flower with ‘BuddyMary’ on their website)

When did you first start Grim Reefer Edibles?

9th September 2019. Referring back to Tenerife, I became a member of my first cannabis club called the Green House. My eyes were opened to the world of cannabis. I saw and had my first edible. It was a chocolate brownie made by Baked Goods Tenerife (@). I couldn't believe that this was a thing. That you could combine cannabis and food and make people happy and healthy with it. I flew back home, hoped onto Instagram to see if there was anything like this in the UK. To my surprise there was this beautiful community hidden away. I thought to myself, if these people are doing it and being successful, why can't I?! I did a lot of research and eased myself into it.

What was the inspiration?

I wouldn't call it inspiration, what you see is just what's in my brain. Ever since I was a kid I tried to invent different food businesses. I wanted a crazy sandwich shop with different coloured bread. I wanted to create a 50’s hot dog stand called ‘Hot Sausage’ and then there was my amaze idea of the Yorkshire pudding tapas restaurant. I always had a big connection with food and throwing dinner parties and feeding people. I just love bringing people joy through food. Then...the fact you can add cannabis to it, it just blew my mind!! Blew it!!

And now...you're actually an AWARD winning Edibles maker with a brand spanking new kitchen built to purpose!!! What's your favourite creation to date?

So obviously the chocolate coffins are a favourite, in particular the lemon blood splatter coffin but the cauldron pops were one of the most funny things to make and so aesthetically pleasing. The cauldron cake pops were a chocolate mint brownie bite dipped in milk black chocolate, topped off with white chocolate slim and bloody bone sprinkles. It was served in a little coffin box and served with a little eyeball and a pumpkin.

What can you tell me about your journey within the community so far?

To begin with, I was very naïve and scared to be proud of what I was doing. I did unfortunately meet a few unhelpful people who took advantage of my kind nature. But that was a lesson that i needed to learn and since then, all the people who have come into my life through the community have just been so like minded, easy #, calm souls who also have a little dark side like me! Most recently at the CannCraft Fayre, I managed to meet a bunch of beautiful talented people who I can say for sure I am super excited to meet in real life.

How did you meet Fairy?

Basically I was in between homes and moving to Liverpool. Jakub suggested we go for a smoke with his friends and that was Fairy’s husband. As soon as I walked in they were so welcoming and caring. They even helped me find the place I live in now. One day she asked me if I could give her a few lessons on making oil and a few chocolates. We had so much fun in the kitchen that day we decided we should work together from then on.

So you’ve just moved into your new kitchen that's been built for purpose. What is in store for Grim & Fairy Weed Mother?

The next thing planned is something quite big...and secret...and exciting….coming for 420 but I can't reveal that yet. But for now, what I can say is in the next week or so, we will be introducing our brand new Vegan range. Its going to be a mix of My Dark Side and Fairy more Classic Side. It's definitely going to be a bit more elegant than the usual Grim & Fairy stuff.

Any parting words? When I first joined the community I was intimidated and scared to try and be a part of it. What I learnt along the way was that I wanted me there as much as I wanted to be in it. It's not a scary place but one full of love so come join us.

You can find me on Instagram on these pages:




Thank You so much for sharing your story with us. I am so so excited to see what you have coming for 420 and so excited to collaborate on some sweet treats with you!!


If you'd like to have your Canna-Biz featured on BuddyMary.co.uk drop me a DM via Instagram or email buddymarysw@gmail.com for enquires

2 commenti

  • WildlingWitch

    Such a great blog! It was lovely to get to know more of Grimmys origins…. I do kinda wish the Yorkshire Pudding Tapas restaurant was a thing though 😂 Always lovely to see how this magical plant not only helps people physically but it also brings people together x

  • Falifonia

    Absolutely loved this blog .. have so much love for grim and buddy as there kindest is something u find rarely

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