Meet The Head of the Littee Commitr33: Aunt Tr33

This weekend's CannaBabe Feature is none other than everyone's favourite stoner aunty, Aunt Tr33!

This Queen has been an incredible support to Buddy Mary since she first stepped onto the scene in October and also been an inspiration to myself & others. Through their Instagram page & YouTube channel, Aunt Tr33 brings us entertaining cannabis content & reviews of the funkiest brands coming through in the UK cannabis space.

Aunt Tr33 lifts the mask to give us a little insight into their Cannabis Journey and how AuntTr33 came to be...

- When/How were you introduced to Cannabis? What did you know of it before?

I have always been intrigued by The Herbs growing up I had friends that smoked but I was always worried about my family and their reaction. I never really tried anything else before, I got introduced to Cannabis in March 2018, by some of my colleagues and I have never looked back.

- How regularly do you use cannabis? What's your preferred mode of administration?

I love my Greens and if I physically could, I would smoke 24/7.  I normally smoke a zoot or some may call a spliff. My daily average is about 8 zoots and counting. I love rolling zoots and I recently on my Insta live I rolled a perfect zoot blind folded.

- How do your family & friends feel about cannabis or your use of cannabis?

My Family are slowly coming around to my way of life. They weren’t happy at first, as parents are; they were worried about the health aspects, but I have been educating them on the benefits and they see a difference, of how beneficial it has been in my life so they are embracing my canna love. I am much more calmer, and not on edge anymore. I used to get frustrated over ever little thing, and  now take life in my stride. I have daily battles I deal with but they are no longer mountains I climb...more like little hills.

- Why do you use cannabis?

At first it was for a bit of fun, but now it a way of my life. Smoking helps me escape from the daily grind. I feel that I can truly be who I am free of inhibition. I would say I am normally a creative person but once I have smoked I come up with ideas and thought processes that I never knew I could. I feel that I am more creative now than I ever have been.

- When and how did auntr33 start?

I started my social media pages back in October 2020 it was as a way of expressing myself. I never imagined that I would have so much love from the Canna Fam! My Instagram page is dedicated to my love of cannabis. The different products I use tried and tested. Me chilling with my canna fam. Having fun building a "communitr33 ." I love seeing and trying out all new products that are available and how accessible it is now to everyone. I love how cannabis is slowly becoming mainstream with all the CBD products that are available. The use of Hemp as an ingredient in most beauty products is helping to destigmatise it's label. I am always actively looking for avenues that will lead to the legalisation of cannabis in the UK.

Along with Instagram I have a YouTube account which I share reviews. Currently I am in the process of starting up a podcast. 

 I have Soo many ideas that I want to try out clothing for one...so watch this space...

The name Auntr33 (Aunt Tree; well for starters, I'm an aunty, I love taking care of people, showing people how I get around smoking on a daily basis…the safe way. "Tree" well like the greens, it has deep roots. It may stand alone, but it has a network of roots that run underneath....out of sight. I believe that Aunt tree is a true chameleon, she could be your friend, next door neighbour, relation or even co-worker. To be honest, I think we all have a bit of Aunt Tree in us…

The reason behind the bally…It's a way I can truly express myself. I know it sounds weird, but the mask helps me let out my creativity, without any inhibition. Aunt tree also holds down a 9-5 job until I earn enough doing what I love and can quit the daily grind the bally stays. 

- Will you see Aunt Tr33 without the bally?

I feel we all wear a masks to hide our true nature, feelings our thoughts. My mask just more visible than yours...

Dude...giving me chills...!! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions! 

You can find Aunt Tr33's insta page, Here

You can find her Youtube, Here

A5 Acrylic Portrait painted by Buddy Mary

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