Carrier Oils, De-Carboxylating & Dank'd Doughnuts! Getting to Know the Medicated Doughnut Company!

In this post you'll hear from Dank'd Doughnuts (@dankddoughnuts), a medicated doughnut company that was born during Covid Lockdown...Yes!! These buddy geniuses thought, "hey! doughnuts are great and weed is great, but you know what would be better?? If we combined the two!?"

Coming from someone who has cannabis tattooed on one elbow & a doughnut on the other, I was over the mood to discover these fantastic people!!

I'll also be talking you through De-Carboxylating (decarbing) your flower. Something that sounds difficult & complicated but is actually super super easy. I'll hand it over to Dank'd Doughnuts!! 

Wow! Where to start?

I suppose we should start at the beginning a few years ago when one of our teams lives changed forever. She was told on that day that she had 2 brain tumors after constant headaches, dizzy spells, passing out and memory loss to name a few symptoms. She walked out of the doctors office after being told that a CT Scan had shown up 2 anomalies and broke down, well who wouldn’t.

The next few months went by in a bit of a daze and before she knew it she was being put to sleep to begin just over 12 hours of open brain surgery.

Upon waking up and seeing her partner she broke down again, as she wasn’t sure if she would ever wake up again a little over half a day ago. Recovery was and is still ongoing, fibromyalgia and hereditary back issues came around the corner during recovery to add to the ever growing list of ailments. Prescription medication that left her feeling like a zombie straight out of world war z, never ending anti depressants amongst other things and the one shining light through the whole of this- cannabis. As soon as we could find that guardian angel everything changed, her life came back slowly but surely, prescription meds lowered, mood improved- all due to vaping a clean, high THC and a high CBD containing extract. Throw some FECO (full extract cannabis oil) into the mix and all of a sudden cannabis is doing what meds couldn’t do in nearly 3 1/2 years. Its an ongoing thing as last year she found out that one of the tumors had returned but nowhere near the size it was before surgery and certainly not big enough to have to have surgery on which is great news.

Around the beginning of lockdown and with plenty of time on our hands, one of us who had in the past been a pretty good baker decided that what the community needed as we hadn’t seen it was someone who could provide her favourite thing- donuts. And why couldn’t they be medicated? After seeing what this fantastic plant had done for her why not combine 2 of her favourite things and see if anyone out there would be interested in maybe trying some and who knows? Maybe some of those people may like them when they try them and boom, as they say, our company was born. So back into the kitchen she went after what seemed like and had in fact been years and enlisted the help of her closest friend to start what would hopefully be an awesome journey.


We obviously didn’t know as much as we know now and without revealing too many secrets ️🤫 What we found was some interesting data and knowledge with where the edibles have improved and the understanding of how THC processes through the body differently when ingested.

As some of you may or may not know THC when ingested is processed through the liver in much the same way psilocybin is (magic mushrooms), this explains why the high is very different to when you inhale or smoke THC and very similar to the ‘body stone’ a decent psychedelic mushroom will offer. This is the main reason why all cannabis users have one of ‘those edible stories’, normally start out the same, nothing happened so i ate more, then nothing else happened so i ate a bit more, then an hour later i was orbiting Saturn. 🤣🤣

We all know of someone or even ourselves who this has happened to, all thanks to our Liver. 

However eating large amounts of anything THC-laced can produce a decent stone, what is actually happening is the vast majority of that is lost straight through our digestive system unfortunately and very little of the THC compound manages to be ingested.

This is down to compounds found in cannabis which are known as fat soluble. What this means is that the chemical compounds break down in fat instead of water. 

This has an effect on how cannabis infused edibles are made and prepared.

So this means that we need the best possible fat which will transfer the most amount of the compound found in cannabis into the blood stream.

This is where coconut oil come in.

It is by far the best carrier due to its absorption rate, no other fat can keep up with the coconut oils absorption rate.

Why is coconut oil better than other fats? Because of the absorption rate and the fat saturation in coconut oil. The bigger the saturation levels, the higher the THC absorption rate. Butter, olive oil etc can be used but they have saturation levels in the under 20% range whereas coconut oil is in the high 90% range- no comparison really.

This is why we use coconut oil in our FECO infusions and we also use an extra ingredients as a catalyst but we have to keep some of our secrets. All we will say is sunflower or soya, we will leave the rest up to you to find...

Coconut oil as a carrier is perfect as we have stated the absorption rate is high and that transfers into a few benefits. The compounds can be absorbed easier and pass through the blood barrier with more ease, this results in a more profound high.

Coconut oil is not wasted through the digestive system and continues to be absorbed into the body.

It also has the ability to break down quicker as it is not processed with animal fats. Due to this it breaks down quickly and efficiently and does not just pass through your digestive system. 

We have found with carriers a little goes a long way so are used sparingly and coupled with FECO, it not only produces an elongated and different stone but is also beneficial to a vast array of health benefits.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our little piece and we want to thank Buddy Mary for giving us this opportunity.

We hope you have found it interesting and maybe has taught you a thing or two perhaps you may not have known


Thank you so much Dank'd Doughnuts! That was incredibly interesting & inspiring!! It's stories like these that prove time & time again that the criminals are the ones keeping this gentle & healing plant from those who need it. A war on 'drugs' likes these are a war on the people. Thank you for that knowledge nugget about coconut oil!! I know I'll be using coconut oil for this flower I am about to decarb. 

I was lucky enough to win the Dank'd Doughnut Friday Giveaway which happens every week!! I won the Jelly Leg Doughnut: Signature Medi-glazed ringed doughnut topped with a strawberry frosting, strawberry & raspberry coulis, mini Jammie dodger & Jammie dodger pieces. Although incredibly sweet it was absolutely delicious. My partner & I both felt floaty that day! 

Be sure follow these wonderful people on Instagram & to watch their page for their weekly Friday giveaway! All orders are guaranteed next day delivery with tracking information to ensure freshness & piece of mind. Order over 4 of the glazed eyes and receive a free jar of the Medi-glaze. There single jars of Medi-glaze available. I drizzled strawberries on mine 

 Decarbing... WTF?!

Cannabis we know contains THC & when we smoke it, we get high. As raw plant matter, there is only a small percentage of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the majoirty is locked up in THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinol-acid). Its nonpsycoactive, that wont get you high. When you smoke, the combustion converts the THCA into THC & its inhaled & absorbed through the lungs & fleshy mouth parts.

"Decarboxylation or decarb is the intimidating term for the process of heating marijuana until the THCA has converted to THC." -A Women's Guide To Cannabis by Nikki Furrer

All that fancy pants word means is pre-heating your weed a bit ;) 

This method of decarbing is as described by Nikki Furrer, in her book A Women's Guide to Cannabis: Using Marijuana to Feel Better, Look Better, Sleep Better-And Get High Like A Lady, tried, tested, embellished & summarised by myself. 

I use a small slow cooker to infuse flower into the carrier oil. 

-Pre-heat your oven to 120 degrees celsius 

-Grind your flower/shake/trim for maximum surface area exposure to the heat to ensure its all decarbed

-Place it on a clean AF baking tray! Anything sticky & you'll lose any keif you are adding. If you're concerned, use baking paper.

- Place in the middle of the oven for 15-30mins, just MAKE SURE YOU SET A TIMER!!! This can be stinky so be aware.

-While that's in the oven, make sure your slow cooker is on the lowest setting & put somewhere it wont be disturbed

-Measure out your carrier oil. I use 3.5g flower per 100ml to make a mild/regular strength oil & 7gs for stronger oil. (add a dribble extra to account for the oil that will be left behind as a residue)

-Chuck your oil & flower into the slow cooker & leave it alone for 10-12 hrs. The beauty of the slow cooker for me is I dont have to worry about it. Its done. If i can't attend to the infusion immediately, it will be safe in the slow cooker until I am ready. 

-Using a natural fiber cloth like muslin, I strain the oil & flower, twisting & squeezing the cloth until I feel I have got as much as I can out of the ball of flower mixture. 

I prefer using oil over butter as oil keeps longer & can accommodate vegans. 

I hope that's demystified this scary sounding but basic process for activating your flower to help you get the best our of your edibles. 

If you're interested in purchasing the one of a kind original Medicated Doughnut watercolour paintings you'll find them listed in my art shop! You'll also find copies of A Women's Guide to Cannabis in the Cannabis Education collection in my shop. 

Please feel free to get in touch if you have a canna-story you'd like to share, a business you'd like featured or a product you'd like to review. Or if you'd like to give any feedback please leave a comment or contact me on Instagram! 



3 comentarios

  • Beauty_and_the_mental_beast

    I love the edible effect as Im not keen on smoking (although never vaped) my only problem is that my illness has now affected my taste and I cannot stand the cannabis taste. I have been chopping my chocolates and putting them in yoghurt so I cannot taste them. Anyone know if jellies are better? Any advice would be great. I have a huge list of illnesses and HATE taking all these fecking meds.

  • Sue

    Wow! What a wonderful way to begin what is a fantastic company. I’ve also been lucky enough to win one of the delicious donuts & they are amazing. The lady who had the tumours hit home as my mum had a brain tumour about 18yrs ago. She survived another 16 1/2 years, by then at the age of 75, she passed away, as she had various other illnesses too. In hindsight I wish I could’ve got her to use cannabis as it would have helped her so very much. She was always happy & smiling & never stopped doing things like card making, right up until a year before she passed as she had 2 serious leg fractures & surgery, but she was left bed bound, she still smiled all the time!
    Thank you Buddy Mary for the info about decarboxylation, I’ll definitely be trying that.

  • Sue

    Wow! What a wonderful way to begin what is a fantastic company. I’ve also been lucky enough to win one of the delicious donuts & they are amazing. The lady who had the tumours hit home as my mum had a brain tumour about 18yrs ago. She survived another 16 1/2 years, by then at the age of 75, she passed away, as she had various other illnesses too. In hindsight I wish I could’ve got her to use cannabis as it would have helped her so very much. She was always happy & smiling & never stopped doing things like card making, right up until a year before she passed as she had 2 serious leg fractures & surgery, but she was left bed bound, she still smiled all the time!
    Thank you Buddy Mary for the info about decarboxylation, I’ll definitely be trying that.

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