Black Sheep Dispensaries Review: Whole Plant Cannabis CBD Syringe


To review my absolute favourite product from Black Sheep, the Whole Plant Cannabis Extract Syringe 10,000mg Full Spec CBD, I have enlisted the woman who I have been battling with for 12yrs about Cannabis and its uses for mental health, Mummy Dearest. After the prescribed morphine still wasn't giving her the help she needed, my mother FINALLY agreed to trying CBD. 

Thank you  so much for recommending black sheep syringes to help me. I used cannabis many moons in university around the age of 20 and left it behind many years ago and moved on with my job and family as a mental health professional. When my kids were old enough I told  my kids I told I smoked weed as a under graduate, I never glossed over the truth about my drug experiments as a teenager and left them to make their own decisions.

I bought it because I suffered from chronic back pain & undergone countless surgeries for over thirty years. I struggle to sleep. Everything I was prescribed and tried never took the pain away enough to give me a nights sleep without pain. When I turn in the night i'm aware of mild discomfort. I found myself at a loss I tried everything to ease the pain, but after so many hypersensitivity reactions I found myself using Black Sheep Dispensaries Whole Plant Extract, as per your recommendation and WOW, I slept bloody hell I slept! -no pain!! Plain and simple. I didn't expect it to work, it tasted likes shite but it bloody works. 

(Mum, it takes like cannabis...its cannabis!)

I'm not using it to get high,I just want to sleep without feeling like a zombie next morning I need to function and this really works. (Don't worry.You cannot get high from CBD or OD.) The effectiveness instantaneous. No hangover effect, nothing!! I got up, went to work easy. No zombies in sight. In have been using it for two months. I've noticed no side effects it helps throughout the night . For me the edge us are immediate. I don't get swirly, it makes me feel normal like I'm not a broken.

I'll happily recommend this a be will be buying more. Packaging looks professional, high end and really good quality. Postage was discreet and quick. Fully intend to purchase more of the Black Sheep Dispensary products

2 comentarios

  • Anthony townsend

    You guys really need to sort your website out once a week it decides to work & thats is absolute joke to be honest

  • Sue

    Well done Buddy’s Mum! Glad you’re getting some relief with cbd. Love black sheep dispenseries. They stock fabulous products

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