Rise & Shine for The Wake & Bake Chick

Get the kettle on and your bong/blunt/rig prepped ready to wake and bake with the Wake & Bake Chick. We ask her the usual questions to find out about her personal cannabis journey and how it enriches her life. 

  • When/how were you introduced to Cannabis? What did you know about it before?

I was introduced to Cannabis by my ex boyfriend. We would hang around his friends, there were a few of us and they all smoked. I was offered some one time which I was a bit nervous about trying but I did. I knew nothing about cannabis apart from I know it got you high. I was told it makes you relax.

  • How long have you been using cannabis for?

 I've been using cannabis for 13 years. The day I was offered I then started using more.

  • How regularly do you use cannabis?

Everyday baby! Wake n bake of course. I do work but once I'm back home I will smoke for the rest of the night.

  • Why do you use cannabis? 

I honestly just really love smoking the herb. I love the high and it makes me relax after a long stressful day at work. I do suffer with anxiety so it also helps me calm down and forget things when I can't switch them off. I've recently found out I have anxiety. Worse than I thought but I'm glad it's something I've become aware of and now I can understand myself better hopefully. 

  • What mode(s) of administration do you favour?

Blunts are always my favourite way of smoking and I've done it for so long. But I am enjoying bongs which I'm newish to and always up for learning new ways. Dabbing is next on my list. (Check out the blog on How to Dab with Buddy and the Hippy Hive, click here)

Even though I've been smoking cannabis all these years. I'd never done anything but smoke spliffs up until I opened my Instagram account almost 5 months ago. I've learned so much more about weed and the canna fam are so damn supportive! 

I've had help and I’m also now smoke pure without any nicotine which I wouldn't change. I have been tobacco free for around a month and a half. It was down to a new Insta connection, she basically was so helpful and showed me the ropes. I couldn't be more grateful. She saw a post I made featuring a half rolled spliff and messaged me to ask me questions about it. She encouraged me to go without and explained the benefits. She explained that you don't smoke more weed to replace what you aren't getting, you actually smoke less weed but get more high and I found I enjoyed the experience more. Finding better and healthier ways to smoke.

Beginning of June I started bonging but had to get help to learn. (Check out Buddy's Bong Tutorial here) I purchased a silicone camo bong from BuddyMary.co.uk which I love using and use all the time

  •   What are your Favourite smoking accessories?

Pink blazy Susan papers (Available on BuddyMary.co.uk)Wise Skies

Raw rizla and roach card , Raw hemp wick (Available on BuddyMary.co.uk), Doob tubes, my bongs, Odour seal container, Cute ashtrays and Resin tray.

I just smoked spliffs and blunts until recently. I don't have a lot of smoking accessories yet but I'm hoping to in the near future.

  • Who are your Favourite cannabis brands/influencers/companies

I don't know many but I do love Red eyed Skye who is such an inspiration. Yourself and all your art work is so popping! 

Grimm Reefer Edibles, Spacemonkey Edibles, The Wax supreme, Koala puffs, Resinbycrl, Blazy susan, Raw, Wiseskies

  • Do you use CBD products?

Your amazing hemp infused coffee 😍 (Disclaimer, Hemp Seed Oil Coffee may contain trace amounts of CBD but isn't CBD coffee, CBD coffee will return in the future. CannaCoffee Instock hereAnd some CBD flower recently which was overall a good experience. 

  • How do your family & friends feel about cannabis or your use of cannabis?

Most of my family are aware I smoke it. I live with my mum and I smoke in the house. She says she doesn't like it but it's more the smell and she hasn't kicked me out yet HA!

They are not all fans but most of my cousins smoke it as well. I'm an adult and can do what I please. Plus I don't drink hardly and do other drugs and I always say I could be doing a lot worse. I think more people should have a smoke and chill the F**k out lol. 

One of my best friends smokes it and the other doesn't but she's made her feelings clear and I appreciate her honesty. She doesn't stop me and let's me get on with it so that's the main thing.

  • Is there anything else you'd like to say, add on, promote etc?

I love editing videos for my own stories. I have a passion for good photos. Unfortunately my budget isn't the best and I don't know how or where to even begin to get noticed. That's something I've always wanted to be, is an influencer or get something up and going so I can be set for the future. 

Thank you so much to The Wake & Bake Chick for taking the time to share her cannabis story with us. I love getting to know all of the CannaBabes and Businesses better. Everyone's story with this sacred plant medicine is different. You can follow The Wake & Bake Chick on Instagram here.

If you'd like you story, product or business featured please drop me an email on Buddymarysw@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram/Facebook. 

1 comment

  • Wakenbakechick

    Wohoooo! There I am! Haha

    Thank you so much! I really enjoyed reading this blog!
    With a cup of your hemp coffee as we speak 🙌💚💚

    I also enjoyed taking the time and actually thinking back to how and when I smoked. Was fun ✌🏻

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